The Following Drive is in Use and the Restore Cannot Continue



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Posted 21 August 2019 - 06:25 PM

I restore the image on the Flash Drive It looks like there is not any problem however after restore image process old windows starts like restoring process never happened. (I didn't forget drag and drop the partitions on Macrium Reflect.)

How to fix that?

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#2 Platypus


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Posted 21 August 2019 - 06:41 PM

Please explain in more detail what you mean by "old Windows" - a restored image will always be an older installation than the current one.

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#3 zanshin777


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Posted 21 August 2019 - 07:07 PM

:) You're right. Sorry for that.

I meant Windows starts like Macrium Reflect Restore Process never happened.

Now I could fix it.

This is how;

The partition screen on Macrium Reflect I drag the partitions on the USB Flash Disk to the destination. It did not work for me.

Then I delete the partitions on destination side. After that I drag the partitions on the USB Flash Disk to the destination.

Now It works.

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#4 zanshin777


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Posted 22 August 2019 - 03:26 PM

Problem is not solved.

Macrium Reflect acts arbitrarily. Sometimes It works sometimes It doesn't.

Although I delete Destination partitions It still load Windows like Restoring Image Process never happened.

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#5 ranchhand_


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Posted 22 August 2019 - 04:05 PM

Macrium Reflect cannot re-image something that it does not have. It can only re-image exactly what you told it to, and that image is what is on your backup drive. How can MR re-image the same backup as today if it doesn't have it??


You create a backup on your drive dated August 1, 2019.  NOW is is August 22, 2019 and you have not made any more images. MR can not suddenly put your August 22 operating system back on your main hard drive since you did not make one!  Obviously, the image you created and reinstalled had problems, and that is why you now have the same problem. There is no other possibility.

It is re-imaging what you backed up, so start your troubleshooting from there.

Another thing: are you sure that the image on your flash drive is from an earlier backup, or accidentally did you create a new image?

Especially if you removed all partitions and formatted your target drive; the image that MR installs is the one that you created.

If there are no responses to my post for 3 days I remove it from my answer list. If you wish to continue the thread after 3 days please PM me.

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#6 Linnda23


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Posted 22 August 2019 - 04:10 PM

Macrium Reflect cannot re-image something that it does not have. It can only re-image exactly what you told it to, and that image is what is on your backup drive. How can MR re-image the same backup as today if it doesn't have it??


You create a backup on your drive dated August 1, 2019.  NOW is is August 22, 2019 and you have not made any more images. MR can not suddenly put your August 22 operating system back on your main hard drive since you did not make one!  Obviously, the image you created and reinstalled had problems, and that is why you now have the same problem. There is no other possibility.

It is re-imaging what you backed up, so start your troubleshooting from there.

Another thing: are you sure that the image on your flash drive is from an earlier backup, or accidentally did you create a new image?

Especially if you removed all partitions and formatted your target drive; the image that MR installs is the one that you created.



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#7 zanshin777


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Posted 23 August 2019 - 06:34 AM

Sorry about not explaining the situation well.

Full image created and verified by MR on 01 August 2019. I verified the image today and It's verified.

I load the image via MR. I get the message "The Image is loaded succesfully"

Then I see the image IS NOT loaded and CURRENTWindows starts like a joke. :)

And there are times the process isreallysuccesful and Windows starts (based on the image created on 01 August 2019).

Note that;

1)The image I'm talking about is verified by Macrium Reflect.

2)Macrium acts arbitrarily.

I'm trying some drivers on ASUS T-100TA. So I load the disk image via Macrium Reflect again and again. Sometimes It loads the image created on 01 August 2019 and sometimes It does not. (So current Windows starts.)

If the image is faulty then It doesn't work at all.

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#8 ranchhand_


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Posted 23 August 2019 - 02:16 PM

And there are times the process isreallysuccesful and Windows starts

Ok....after several tries, when the image does load successfully, then does MR successfully restore your August 1st image onto the hard drive? Does your new, re-imaged Windows boot and run successfully?

If there are no responses to my post for 3 days I remove it from my answer list. If you wish to continue the thread after 3 days please PM me.

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#9 zanshin777


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Posted 24 August 2019 - 07:27 AM

And there are times the process isreallysuccesful and Windows starts

Ok....after several tries, when the image does load successfully, then does MR successfully restore your August 1st image onto the hard drive? Does your new, re-imaged Windows boot and run successfully?


Again MR sometimes work sometimes does not work.

Can these messages in the process may be related to this?

+ The following BitLocker encryipted drive will be restored without enabling BitLocker on the target: C

+ The following drive is in use and the restore cannot continue

Although these messages sometimes It loads the image successfully.

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#10 ranchhand_


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Posted 24 August 2019 - 08:52 AM

According to the first message, you have bitlocker encryption enabled on that hard drive, and that may be your reason for the problems. There is a discussion of that in this thread.

If there are no responses to my post for 3 days I remove it from my answer list. If you wish to continue the thread after 3 days please PM me.

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#11 zanshin777


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Posted 24 August 2019 - 10:04 AM

Thank you very much "ranchhand_" I'll focus on that problem.

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